Office Politics And The Gossips
Nothing good is ever likely to come from involving oneself in office politics and gossips.
Most people in the workplace have an agenda in one shape or form. Whether they are aiming for a promotion, attempting to win a big project or trying to impress the boss, many actions have an underlying purpose.
Office politics is the use of often underhand methods to gain advantage at work. People do this to achieve their goals, gain prestige, or seek greater influence, so that they can persuade others to share their viewpoint, access assistance or resources, or get ahead in their careers.
One may think that it can lead to healthy, professional networking and communication, but it is far more likely to cause power struggles, competition and alliance-making that will upset a given number of colleagues.
It is really only you that can stop this from happening and the best advice would be not to enter any situations that could affect your professional credibility.
This potentially entails and where you want your colleagues to recognise your ability to carry out your role, rather than being tainted by negative gossip, which won’t do you any favours.
Gossip spreads like wildfire and once you have been tagged as somebody who talks behind the backs of others, you can quickly and permanently lose the trust and respect of your co-workers.
It may even turn down for roles as a result of a negative image of the individual that had been passed from his previous employer.
It can be all too easy to get caught up in office gossips and politics but maintaining a level of distance and an air of professionalism is always advisable for ambitious professional who aspire to rising through the ranks.
If one has questions about the professional conduct, processes or productivity of a colleague, it is almost always better to raise concerns with them directly, or in a group during scheduled meetings, rather than speculating behind their backs. By making your informed opinions publically known, you retain control of your position.
Maybe it is inevitable that “office politics” will always be a challenge in the workplace. But while you may not be able to control the behaviour of others in your team, those who avoid speculation and get straight to the point will gain a reputation of being trustworthy, reliable and sincere.
Although sometimes you may be caught up in office gossip, it is important to remain professional and try to avoid this as it may get you noticed for all the wrong reasons.